Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Week 6

Stayed the same 93 kg's
Progress so far
03/14 97.4 kg
bust 114cm
middle 113 cm
hips 111cm
93 kg
bust 110 cm
middle 108 cm
hips 106 cm

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Didn't have a great week. Was on course and every second or third day they gave us pasta. I tried to only have salad, but by day 3 gave up. Also ate A LOT over the weekend - so expect to pick up between 2-3kg's
Trying now to stick to a protein only diet- we'll see how that goes

Tunelling- because it feels like I'm tunneling through this maze of weight loss-sometimes good sometimes not so

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Slowly going

lost .8 kg- thought it would be more- can be from AF?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Interesting side effect

An interesting side effect from this diet has happened- DH is starting to like me again :))- Hell's Bells- what do you do with a guy that likes you, again?

Easter LongWeekend

Well, I actually had quite a good weekend. No Easter eggs and lots of salad. I also resisted the temptation to weigh myself. Yay!!
Even DH was impressed!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Weigh - In

Went to weigh in lost 1 kg- no centimeters though -woohoo!
Now weigh 93.8 & middle 106cm
I binge far too much after a weigh in- another resolution- limit binging after weigh in

Monday, April 02, 2007


Urgghh- I can kick myself- Last night I weighed myself (mistake no1) and discovered that I hadn't lost anything- uurgg So I went on the binge (mistake no 2,3,4 etc)- double urrggh.
So I have resolved NOT to weigh myself during the week, and to start exercise- I think it will help with general "feel-good" hormones.